Today the staff returned to work for our first day induction and preparation for a wonderful 2014 school year. As a professional learning community we discussed the direction of the school, team work, student achievement and progression and how we would ensure all our student get the best possible education that they deserve.
After a busy and productive morning we came together to have lunch and to reflect on what we had been learning and discussing.
Our staff from left to right:
Maxine (4/5), Jane (Languages and EAL), Lucas (5/6), Felicity (Prep), Kerrianne (Art and Stephanie Alexander Program), Jason (3/4), Helen Wong (Education Support), Mandy (Language Support), Mohammed (Bilingual Arabic ES) , Susan (Library ES), Christina (Business Manager), Kirk (1/2), Nicole (1/2), Erin (Student Wellbeing Advocate) and Kerron (Teaching and Learning Coach). Khadra and Halima are not in the photo. And I am taking the photo
We are all looking forward to welcoming our students tomorrow.